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Sunday 19 December 2010

How To save and buy some weapons

Guide: Becoming rich
Recently ive seen a lot of threads asking how to get GP, so i decided to make this guide
So what is GP,gp is the current ingame currency for crossfire, its what you use to repair your weapons or buy new ones,

For New player
When you start the game you get 50k, first you pick a class it really dosent matter which one, so now your down to 46K. You start out with two weapons in your inventory you have 2 weapons a M700(sniper) and a M16(spray), i suggest playing with your M16 until it brakes (don't repair it)once it breaks(or you have enough for the weapon you want)buy that weapon.
Now repair your weapon EVERY match,now just start ranking up until you get all the bonus (in total 60K) you get all the bonus at rank Staff Sargent 1
(refer here for ranks)

Tip: Sell one grenade.
Tip 2:Make multiple accounts to try out some weapons

For the Experienced player
If you haven't done so already and need fast cash sell one of your grenades.
So your already have a nice rank and a good weapon but you want to save up for a new one , fear not there is a way.
There are 3 ways to get GP after staff Sargent 1 for all of these you need to put all of your weapons in your storage, so that only your knife and your grenade are in your bag.

The first way is to play crossroad, you get guns in cross road so you don't need your own, this way your gun isn't breaking and your getting the full GP (because you don't have to repair).

The second way is to play ghost mode, its easier to play on the ghost side but you can play GR too since they wont be shooting you.

The third way is to get some friends and make a knife only game, this way you get kills and don't have to repair.

Tip:if you have a pistol and you're a pro sniper try not to use it in pub games to prevent from breaking it.

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