Hello, if you want to make easy money online then you should just join this PTC site. It is the best guaranteed PTC side which pays for sure :)) Please register under my name so you can be my referrals. I can help you out with some tactics I use too if you want. You can register here. (http://www.clixsense.com/?4468653)
Note : If you register on the link I gave you it will help the website to give you hacks for FREE. If I get a lot of registrations I will give you another hack for free in some days.
Due to the great amount of patches coming out lately, we can't release any new hacks. By the time we release them, a new patch is coming destroying the hack. So we will wait for some more time to see what will happen and as soon as we find a way, we will be release a lot of new hacks.
By then, If you want to make easy money online register here http://adf.ly/CDHc3
If you register, email me at mariosdemosthenous@hotmail.com so I can help you get more revenue and give you some good tactics to follow.
The above link/Ptc site is tested by our team and works properly. It is a paying site, and it gives you the opportunity to earn a lot of' money fast. So we decided to share it with you. Again, if you register and want some help/tactics just email me at mariosdemosthenous@hotmail.com.
Sh_z_sektor Public v1.6[C4 Fast Defuse,SeeGhost and more!]
Features:- WallHack NoRecoil NoFallDamage NoGrenadeDamage Knife OHK[Fixed] Weapon Range See Ghost C4 Fast Defuse[New] Fast Knife[New] Knife 360[New]
How to use:- 1.Download and extract to anywhere 2.Use any working and undetected injector. 3.inject "SndDrv.dll" into "crossfire.exe" 4.Messagebox should pop u 5.Enjoy
-Didn't work on the NoRecoil so it didn't change from the version before this one -Didn't work on the Weapon index(didn't add new weapons) so some weapons may not work with the weapons features -The Sound problem havn't been fixed -Report any buggs,errors you may incounter during using this hack
#No Recoil #No Change #Wallhack #See Ghosts #Fast Defuse ( no errors . you won't be kicked because it's just like a def kit .. ) #Crouch Speed ( No Errors ! ) #Fast Reload #Fast Knife #Weapon Hack #No Fall Damage #No Zone Damage ( Means if you glitch . no errors . . I didn't tried it yet )
Weapon Hack contains # #M16 to Gold M4A1 #Colt1911 to Desert Eagle ( BUG ) #Grenade to Iron mace grenade #M700 to Red Dragon PSG-1 #M4A1 to Elite M4A1
Hotkeys # F7 = Wallhack The rest of the features are all Auto-ON
Instructions # 2 Ways#
1st # Copy SndDrv.dll to your CF Folder ( bak up the original one first ) Then run patcher_cf2
2nd # Rename SndDrv.dll to anyname you want Then download an injector Use the injector to inject the hack and run patcher_cf2
Auto on: ->No fall DMG ->see ghost ->No spread (not while jumping )= ) ->No Weapon weight ->No Assasin grenade ->No bug dmg ->Faster knife ->M60 is RPK (= ->mini UZI is Dual UZI xD ->faster change of gun ->fast defuse and plant of C4 ->fast change of weapons ->no recoil ->No no knock back ->No gatling weight xDDD
->> Press F12 , befor respawning IN merida and u will get under the map xD !!!DONT JUMP BEFOR THE SECOND BEEP!!! For other maps u must jump ones!
Press the mouse wheel -> 3sec Speed ( works on some games ... often crash )= )
Use an Injector and Inject the PCe2012.dll
->when the game start it MUST beep at login (after ~6sec)<-
64BitUsers: (SRY only D3D...but u can also use 32 bit hack) ONLY FOR 64
WallHack FullBright CrossHair
32 BitUsers & 64 Bit Users:
1- NoRecoil/NoSpread (100% Perfect) 2- NoWepWeight 3- NoChangeDelay ( I WILL FIX IT LATER) 4- NoGrenadeDamage 5- NoFallDamage 6- C4Fast Plant 7- C4Fast Defuse 8- SeeGhosts (I REMOVED THE FAST SPEED OF THE GHOST) 9-NoSniperZoom >ONLY M700 10-SniperCrossHair 11-OHK Sniper (Works on all Snipers 75%) 12-Shotgun spread 13-max range (Fixed 100%) 14-gatling spread (When u are spraying with the gatling gun u Will Move Fast....U wont move Slow ALSO FIXED!) 15-pistolspread (When u shoot with the pistol u will shoot FASTER!) 16-noknockback 17- NoReload (90% No Errors) >F10 (ON/OFF) 18- CrouchSpeed (90% No Errors) F9 (ON/OFF) 19-PlayerWireFrame >>>F2 Key ON/OFF 20-NoWorld (F3 Key On/OFF)
**-Weapon Hack:
21- M16 > M4A1 Liberty 22- M4A1 > M4A1Gold 23- Grenade > Assassin's Grenade PS: IF 32 BIT IS LAGGING THEN PLAY WITH V10
When hacks no longer work, or they are detected, please send me an email at mariosdemosthenous@hotmail.com saying that I must change the hack with a new one. If noone sends me an email, I won't change the hack very frequently because I don't play crossfire anymore. So if you send me an email when it gets detected, I will change it within 24 hours! :)
1- NoRecoil/NoSpread (100% Perfect) 2- NoReload (90% No Errors) 3- NoWepWeight 4- NoChangeDelay 5- NoGrenadeDamage 6- NoFallDamage 7- CrouchSpeed (90% No Errors) 8- C4Fast Plant 9- C4Fast Defuse 10- SeeGhosts (I REMOVED THE FAST SPEED OF THE GHOST) 11- ShootThroughWalls 12-NoSniperZoom 13-SniperCrossHair 14-Fast Knife (90% No Errors) 15-SeeEnemyNames (Related to shootThroughWalls as when u point to the wall u will see the enemy name in Red) 16-OHK Sniper (Works on all Snipers) 17-Shotgun spread 18-max range 19-gatling spread (When u are spraying with the gatling gun u Will Move Fast....U wont move Slow) 20-pistolspread
**-Weapon Hack:
21- M16 > Ak47 Knife ADV 22- M4A1 > KrisSuper 23- USP > Golden Desert Eagle 24- Grenade > Assassin's Grenade M700 Weapon Hack was removed due to client errors
download attachment..... extract to CF folder.... then there will be mlang.dll in crossfire folder... the run patcher_cf <<(it is in crossfire folder) and the mlang .dll will inject it self....(u dont need an injector) then when u log in a match every thing works automatically...It is Auto On...there is no Menu...every thing works by it's self!! u cant turn the features OFF....they are only ON...(U GOTTA WAIT FOR APPROVAL BY A MINION.....WAIT LIKE 30 MINS!!)
Direct x 9.0 NetFrameWork 3.5 msvcr100d.dll ( put it In CF Folder)